Register Now for IStorm 2024!

IStorm 2024 – Iowa’s Premier Conference and Exhibition is returning to Ankeny on October 30 and 31st! It will bring together municipal employees, elected officials, engineers, landscape architects, floodplain managers, watershed and conservation leaders, as well as sediment and erosion control professionals.

Welcome to the Iowa Stormwater Education Partnership

Our mission is to enable everyone to value and improve water quality by providing education and technical services. The mission is overseen by an 11-person Board, comprised of stormwater professionals from member cities and universities in Iowa. These directors, and other members, serve on several volunteer committees for directing staff on educational resources, marketing, membership, and training.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency MS-4 stormwater regulatory requirements prompted our founding in 2005. Since our founding, the goal of the Iowa Stormwater Management Partnership (ISWEP) is twofold: Support compliant and effective local stormwater management programs with unified education and outreach delivered statewide.
The majority of Municipal Storm Sewer System (MS4) cities in Iowa are members of ISWEP. We are also comprised of educational organizations, professional firms, businesses, and individuals.Membership with ISWEP includes access to our educational toolbox resources, access to a library of training materials, check out of stormwater displays and items for community events, and localized training events and discounts.
ISWEP creates and provides its members with educational tools and resources that are used locally to help inform the public about the importance of clean stormwater and how to prevent pollution and soak up more rainfall. These resources are developed for and distributed to numerous target audiences including:  city staff and councils, homeowners, builders, developers, contractors, business owners, and children.
The second area of focus is training. ISWEP certification programs set a statewide standard to assist with implementation of stormwater regulations that includes the use and maintenance of appropriate pollution prevention practices. Events are held across the state every year.  Additional training events address green infrastructure and urban stormwater management.

Recent and Current Projects

We’re excited to be partnering with SouthGate Companies on a research project aiming to address soil decompaction, from large scale developments to individual home lots. Methods tested mirror guidelines in the Iowa Stormwater Management Manual and will allow researchers to observe the most functional and cost-effective decompaction efforts. Data outcomes will be analyzed by Iowa State University Department of Agronomy and Iowa State University Department of Horticulture researchers. Watch the video!
Produced by ISWEP, the Water Warriors video series is a  journey across Iowa to meet with individuals protecting stormwater resources. The first class of Water Warriors includes seven professionals in Iowa that are making significant strides in water quality protection and enhancement. The short interviews were featured at the 2022 IStorm Conference. Watch the video here!
Johnson County Historic Poor Farm was presented with the Urban Stormwater and Watershed Partner of the Year Award during the 2023 Iowa Water Conference held in Altoona, Iowa on September 19-20.  The award recognizes the Historic Poor Farm’s partnership efforts that resulted in the implementation of green stormwater infrastructure at the Historic Poor Farm.  Practices that were installed or conducted included:   bioretention cells, bioswales, constructed wetlands and habitat restoration.  There were numerous project partners that included:  Johnson County SWCD, Johnson County Conservation, Impact7G, Iowa Flood Center, Joint Emergency Community Center, IIHR, NRCS, Iowa Valley Resource Conservation & Development, and Astig Planning.   The Historic Poor Farm is also commended for their comprehensive conservation efforts at the farm and their commitment to protecting and improving local soil and water resources.

City of Waukon was presented with the Urban Stormwater and Watershed Jurisdiction of the Year Award during the 2023 Iowa Water Conference held in Altoona, Iowa on September 19-20.  Mayor Arvid Hatlan received the award on behalf of the City. The award recognizes the City’s completion of the Stormwater Quality Project that will protect and improve the water quality of Indian Springs Pond and Paint Creek.  Green stormwater infrastructure that was installed included a stormwater wetland, two permeable paver parking areas, a bioretention cell, and a vegetated swale with check dams. The City is commended for their leadership and commitment to improving local pond and stream water quality.

Kurt and Jennifer Boevers of Cedar Falls, Iowa were presented with the Urban Stormwater and Watershed Development of the Year Award during the 2023 Iowa Water Conference held in Altoona, Iowa on September 19-20. The award recognizes 72-acre water quality improvement project adjacent to Dry Run Creek in the City of Hudson that was completed by the Boevers. The project included restoring a wetland, enhancing and restoring stream buffers, re-meandering a previously straightened stream and reconnecting the stream to its floodplain. The Boevers are commended on their commitment to improving local urban stream water and habitat quality. 

ISWEP has partnered with IDALS and Polk County SWCD to implement the Rain Campaign. Like an umbrella, our built environment sheds water instead of allowing it to naturally soak into the ground leading to flooding and water quality problems. To achieve goals of better stormwater management and improved local water quality, cities across the Des Moines Metro have created funding programs for the residents to make it easier for them to be a part of these water solutions.
Every two years ISWEP conducts the Stormwater Utility Fee and Management Survey to determine current utility rates and stormwater program capacities. ISWEP completed surveying cities across Iowa in late 2022 and has published the results for member organizations. Results are available. Results discovered through the survey will help communities make informed decisions about creating a new utility or for altering existing utilities.
ISWEP has partnered with the Iowa DNR to host workshops intended for professionals dealing with industrial and commercial facilities and stormwater permitting, which involves General Permits #1 and #3. This training opportunity has been developed to help those facilities understand their permitting requirements, develop pollution prevention plans, and implement best management practices with the goal of staying in compliance.

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