Search for Iowa Certified Stormwater Professionals
Use any of the following criteria below to search for Iowa certified stormwater professionals. Click on a professional’s last name to see their certifications and contact information. Please contact us if your contact information is incorrect or needs to be updated.
CR = Certified Rainscaper
HBSS = Homebuilder SWPPP Supervisors
ICCSPPI = Iowa Certified Construction Site Pollution Prevention Inspectors & Installers
ICSD = Iowa Certified SWPPP Designers
ICIMSP = Iowa Certification of Inspection and Maintenance of Stormwater Practices
First Name | Last Name | Company | County |
Robert | Lehman | City of Des Moines | Des Moines |
Cassie | Lindrow | Mortenson Construction | |
Rustin | Lingbeek | Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. | Cerro Gordo |
Cade | Lisk | Terracon | |
Jeff | Liska | HR Green | |
Jeffery | Liska | ||
Cody | Loftis | ||
Jeremy | Long | ||
Eric | Longlett | City of Davenport | Scott |
Amber | Lorenzen |
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