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The Iowa Certified Construction Site Pollution Prevention Inspector (ICCSPPI) training is an affordable, efficient certification opportunity for construction site inspectors who are responsible for weekly construction site or quarterly MS-4 inspections. Webinar link will be sent a couple of days before the event. FLYER REGISTER
A training program designed specifically for private contractors, city and county staff, and commercial retailers that conduct snow removal and apply salt and deicers on parking lots, sidewalks, and related surfaces. Registration for this event is free thanks to sponsorship by the cities of Cedar Falls and Waterloo. VIEW FLYER REGISTER HERE
This comprehensive training provides a design approach to manage both small and large storm events to improve water quality and reduce local flooding. It will provide guidance on how to design and review stormwater management practices. New Iowa Stormwater Management Manual guidance, design tools, and approaches that will achieve compliance with the USC will be […]
Come join us for our in-person meeting for 2023. We will present and give you your December Toolkits, tell you about our new and upcoming training events, and visit with members from central and western Iowa over a light lunch. See you there!
Come join us for our in-person meeting for 2023. We will present and give you your December Toolkits, tell you about our new and upcoming training events, and visit with members from central and western Iowa over a light lunch. See you there!