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Erosion Control Practices

What is “Erosion Control”?

Erosion control practices attempt to stabilize disturbed soils in order to prevent soil particles from being transported to nearby waterways. Effective controls prevent detachment of soil particles and minimize the deposition of sediment downslope or offsite.

General Permit No. 2 in Iowa requires the installation and maintenance of effective controls to minimize the discharge of pollutants into Waters of the United States and to minimize the amount of bare soil exposed during construction. The permit also requires controlling stormwater volume and velocity to minimize channel and streambank erosion.

mulch erosion control practices

Examples of Best Management Practices

The Iowa Statewide Urban Design and Specifications (SUDAS) specification manual Chapter 9 and design manual Chapter 7 provides guidance on some of the following practices. Common erosion control practices used in Iowa include:

  • Mulching
  • Temporary or permanent seeding
  • Sodding
  • Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECPs)
  • Vegetative filter strips
  • Surface roughening and other grading strategies
  • … and maintaining existing vegetation onsite!

Selecting the appropriate erosion control BMP for your construction site depends on soil characteristics, seasonal timing, and construction phasing. Slope, concentration of flow, and proximity to waterway can also influence the effectiveness of various erosion control BMPs.